Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We respect the seat on bus. But....

Let me tell something, 'tell shit, don't help to much'. See, also people stuff, let me see, are you talking in the country with a higher index of fat belly, problematic persons in world? That live for food, that need to drink 2 liters in a row of Coke eating like 2kg of a giant burguer king, and still ask for more, need to find the perfect medicine, to finish such shit fast. Like education and steam was forgot, the miracle of robotics maybe save your arse 'if my prays fail', because my diary pray is the end of the world. Women and Children first, then "Marlboro Land" Killing each other in the final baffle, choose your baffle, all of them is good for me seeing your death.

That thing of the submarines on our coast as a lie too, the subs weren't the wolf pack, were american subs, but like we always did, we were stupid and never checked to see if the holes on the ships wreck comprise with the torpedoes used by the KÖNIGREICHMarinen or something that. Uncle Sam now is going to the church because is praying for the good, that is not being attacked which 'why everybody want peace', should be so nice all that destruction again. Children burning and screeming, Women being rapped in the street, a vision from hell, that everybody likes in movies why not 'on real life'?