Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cosmic Truths or too much drugs ?

Is there something about the 'Cosmos' that is pretty interesting, people shall live there, 'it is all true' and 'cosmic'. UFO's, like who saw an UFO and can confirm, nobody, it is all video effects, or allucination. Any contact? No, there is no contact. So the allucinates with deformed brains remains looking to someone pay attention of such shit. Should be better like 'tourism on remote areas for sex and drug consumption' it is more honest. By the end, full of dope you can see some UFO's.

Also a question remains on my Head, why the soberb team don't make a documentaion like java docs for their 'soberb components?", could help a little, sobre definition for some 'documentation pages', we can drop a shit over and kill who wrote. I never saw a documentation so unorganized, comfuse, seems like who wrote have problems with the world and it self.

Good this band. at least this music.